Thursday, August 24, 2023

Fireworks Safety Rules (Poem)


Fireworks Safety Rules



Fireworks are very bright and pretty,

But here are safety rules ,

with which you can save the city.


Stay away from fireworks when lit,

Or else by them you could get hit.


Make sure you have space when,

lighting fireworks that spin,

cause it might burn someone’s shin.


Young children throw fireworks here and there,

When you see this,

Just walk away and make an adult aware.


I know fireworks are hard to omit,

But if you use the safety rules,

You can include using it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

So Early You Went Away (Poem dedicated to my grandmother)


 So Early You Went Away


I was not born by that day
So early why did you go away?
Nothing, to you I could say


You're gone, but for you I’ll always pray
I really wish you could stay
I wish I could talk to you today


When you were gone your family must’ve been in complete dismay
With you I never got to celebrate my birthday
RIP to you and I’m sure I’ll meet you some day


People In My Life (Poem)

                                                               People In My Life


There are people I love,
and people I hate.

There are people very close
And some who are barley there
There are people to me so dear
And some who I fear

 There are some people so sedate
Some so very wise and great

There are some people in my life
Precious to my heart
Who I treasure from the start.









Teacher Teacher Teacher (Teachers day special)

                            Teacher Teacher Teacher    Teacher Teacher Teacher , you have to talk so much , just like a religious preachers ...